<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 18px;">June 29, 2020</span>
The UK insurance and long-term saving industry has launched the Covid-19 Support Fund which PIB Group are proud to be a part of.
The aim of the fund is to help support some of the people hardest hit by the Covid-19 crisis. The support fund aims to raise £100 million, with £82.6 million already having been pledged. It will work in partnership with the Charities Aid Foundation, and a network of partners including the National Emergencies Trust.
It’s key aim is to provide immediate relief to charities affected by Covid-19, as well as a longer-term programme of support for people, communities and issues here there is the greatest need.
At PIB Group we are proud to be supporting this fund and becoming one of the founding members. If you would like to find out more about the fund please visit the website here – www.covid19support.org.uk.