Spotlight on… Kayleigh Paul on joining PIB during lockdown, and life outside of work to help her local community

July 3, 2020

Having been with PIB Group for a couple of months, Account Handler, Kayleigh Paul, shares her experience of starting a new job during lockdown and what she has been doing during her free time to support her local community.

Tell us about yourself?

I started working for RSA straight from school aged 17, and I was there for six and a half years dealing with home insurance. I then moved to Allianz where I sold SME policies for five and a half years until finally moving to be a telephone account handler in the Allianz Bristol Commercial office for five years looking after over 100 different broker accounts.

What attracted you to PIB?

I was looking to step out of my comfort zone and learn new skills. The location of the office is also only 15 minutes from my house compared to the three-hour commute I was doing to get to and from Bristol city centre each day, so that’s a bonus!

You joined us during lockdown, how did you find that?

Joining during lockdown was tricky but my manager and the rest of the team have all been so welcoming. We use Microsoft Teams and zoom calls to all stay in touch.

I feel very settled already at PIB and only been with the company for just over two months. The new starter webinars have been really helpful, and I am really happy.

You recently helped set up a food larder in your village. Tell us more about this…

I noticed that a village local to ours had a free food larder and I also became aware the food bank had closed in our own village. I contacted my local councillor to talk to her about the idea and asked what I needed to do to get it started. Together we sorted a location and I worked on promoting it on the local social media groups. During the week when I am working, I have recruited two volunteers to collect food and bring to my house and then during my spare time I go and top up with any items needed.

I have also managed to get donations from a couple of our local supermarket stores which has really helped. We are helping so many families in need and it makes me proud to have been able to help others.

How do you relax outside of work?

I have a 12 year old son so during my free time at the moment we like to go on long walks around the local area. We are also booked to go to St Ives in August so really hoping this can still go ahead – we have been the last five years running and it`s our happy place 😊.

Did you enjoy this spotlight story? Kayleigh’s story follows on from James Marlow. You can read more about colleagues across PIB on our website here